The Holiday Season is Upon Us: Homemade Gifts and For Lips

So, here's this year's plan Stan - I am going to make personal care gifts. As it is winter here in Minnesota and it's also cold; my plan is to make something soothing and moisturizing . Our winters are so long, I also thought that I would make something that will remind people of spring.

This recipe will prove to bring relief and joy to you and your loved ones over the holidays.
As with my other personal care products, these recipes are basic. You only need a few ingredients and your choice of essential oil, and again I suggest the addition of Tea Tree oil for it's healing properties (but don't swallow it).
Palmen's Anti-Chap Lip Balm
A double boiler or heat resistant glass bowl and a heavy bottom panA wooden spoon
Lip Balm Containers: I use these - "Beauticom Round Clear Jars"
Metal funnel (or some other tool)for pouring
3 tablespoons of Coconut Oil3 tablespoons of Shea Butter
3 Tablespoons + 1 teaspoon of Beeswax pellets
1 tablespoon of Olive Oil
25-40 drops of essential oil
10 drops of Tea Tree oil (Optional)
Depending on the size of your vessels, this recipe will fill between 15-18 lip balm containers.
- Put an inch of water in the bottom of the double boiler or heavy bottom pan and bring it to a boil.
- Place the top of the boiler over the bottom or place the glass bowl in the water.
- In the double boiler or glass bowl melt the coconut oil, shea better and beeswax pellets STIRRING CONSTANTLY.
- When the ingredients are melted, take the boiler or pan off the heat. Keep the on top of the water.
- Stir in the olive oil, essential oil and the optional tea tree oil.
- Once the lip balm is blended and slightly cool, use the metal funnel to help you accurately pour the balm into the containers. Each container will hold about 1/6 of an ounce
- With the lid off the containers, let the balm cool for several hours to harden. It will harden at room temperature, but you can also put it in the refrigerator for faster solidification.
- Use as you would any lip balm.
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