Gluten Free Pasta with Duck Eggs

Image result for DuckKickin' it with Karen: Beyond Sauerkraut
A pastry chef’s secret ingredient is the duck egg! Duck eggs are higher in fat content and protein than chicken eggs. This makes for a creamier texture when baking pastries, making custards and ice cream. Why wouldn’t this also be true for pasta.

Image result for Gluten Free PastaI find that duck eggs make my pasta more silky and gives it a better al dente bite. In this recipe, I use duck eggs not only for the results, but because I am allergic to chicken eggs.

I also use gluten free flour, not because I am allergic to all gluten, but I am allergic to wheat. I finally found a GF flour that really does mimic wheat.  is an excellent replacement and I have found no other GF flour that offers the stretch or the flavor this similar to wheat flour.
Image result for shrimp and pasta

 I use this pasta in place of spaghetti and as a compliment to dishes like “Chicken Thighs with Creamy Garlic Sauce” , and “Shrimp and Mushrooms in a Garlic Bisque Sauce”. Really, it’s good for any pasta dish you want to make! Enjoy!


2 cups Cup4Cup
3 ½ - 4 Duck Eggs
Splash of Water (if needed)


  1. Make a well in the middle of the GF flour.  
  2. Slowly pour in duck eggs Mix the flour and eggs until blended 
  3. Kneed for 4-5 minutes Roll into a tight ball and wrap with plastic wrap Rest the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minute 
  4.  Cut the dough in four pieces 
  5. Rewrap the remaining three pieces to that they do not dry out 
  6. Flatten and roll out the dough to ¼ inch thickness 
  7.  Run the rolled out dough through a pasta machine two times on settings 1, 2 and 4. 
  8. Run the pasta sheet through the pasta cutter on the widest size pasta(GF pasta is often too fragile for the spaghetti setting). 
  9. Rest the pasta in a pile off to the side and sprinkle with a teaspoon or so of Cup4Cup 
  10. Repeat with the remaining 3 parts of dough.  
  11. Let pasta air dry for 30 minutes to an hour. 

Bring to a boil 2 quarts of water with plenty of salt. Drop pasta in water in batches and boil for 3 minutes or to your desired level of doneness.

I hope you enjoy this recipe, please visit my YouTube Channel for this video where I walk you through this recipe step-by-step. See you again here soon. Please like and subscribe to not only this blog but "Kickin' it with Karen: Beyond Sauerkraut"on YouTube for more videos for your health and well-being.


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